Saturday, September 24, 2011


Here's the first set of bird-type Pokemon. And, like all birds, this was a rather annoying task for me. Well, it's not all that bad, I do like doing the feathers.

Poor Caterpie.

Now, onto the rats!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Don't Move - There's a HUGE Bee on You!


Ah, here are numbers 10-15; our first bug Pokemon! I like irl bugs alot, but I was never much of a bug trainer in the games. Maybe I should give them another shot?

Caterpie, Metapod, and Butterfree.
Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill.

I like Butterfree's little graspy, bug-hands.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Starter Set

Here's the first nine Pokemon, Bulbasaur to Blastoise! My starter was always Bulbasaur. Who was yours?

There's two Bulbasaurs because I'm (still) not entirely satisfied with how he looks. I just want to cuddle Ivysaur, though.
Aww, Charmander..

Not so sure about the little Squirtle, but Wartortle and Blastoise are looking pretty cool to me! Wartortle's got feathers and not fur for his tail and ears simply because he's reptilian, and reptiles are much closer to birds than they are mammals. Just in case anyone was wondering. :)

Thanks for viewing, look out for more coming up very soon! Next up is the Caterpie evolution set, maybe even a sketch or two for the ones after?